Negroni's Cocktails: Frequently Asked Questions
What is a cryptic crossword?
A cryptic crossword is a specific type of crossword whose clues
are half straight definition and straight wordplay. To learn
more, see the many cryptic crossword guides on the web.
How do I sign up to receive access to the puzzles?
You can sign up at
Why cocktails?
As my name might suggest, I am a fan of cocktails. I am also a
big fan of varierty cryptic crossword puzzles, and it has been a
fun project to combine the two concepts.
When are the puzzles released?
In 2025, there will be 7 puzzles, one in every even-numbered
month, and one in July. The February Cocktail was released the
third Saturday, February 15, at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific.
Subsequent puzzles will be released on the second Saturday of
the month, at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific.
What is a twist
These are variety cryptic crossword puzzles, which means that
there is a twist. Perhaps certain answers have to be amended
before they are entered into the grid, or some clues have a word
that needs to be removed before solving, or any number of other
things. In the first puzzle that is released each month, there
will be no instructions, just a recipe for that month's
cocktail, and solvers will need to determine what the twist is
all on their own. In the second released puzzle, the cocktail
recipe will be replace with instructions regarding the twist.
What is a meta, or final answer, and how do I find it?
When each crossword is completed, there will be another puzzle
hidden within it that solves to a final answer. There are any
number of ways that this might work, and it is up to you to
figure it out. In Negroni's Cocktails, that second puzzle will
be related to the twist in some way. You can read about meta
puzzles and metas in crossword puzzles in various places on the
web, and there are several puzzle authors offering these types
of puzzles. The more of these that you do, the more you will
understand the possible mechanisms for finding that final
How many entries may I submit for a puzzle?
You can try multiple times to solve the puzzle and still get on
the All Solvers list when you enter the correct final answer,
though note that if you enter any wrong answers, you will not
qualify for the No Help Leaderboard even if you solve the
original puzzle before the hinted version is posted. There will
often be some answers that I call partial answers, in that you
solve for them in the process of solving for the final answers.
If you enter these answers, they will not count against you, and
will just let you know that you're on the right track and should
keep solving. Please do not misuse the ability to enter
multiple answers. I, and I think everyone else, would like to
avoid someone just guessing the final answer 10 times. Also,
note that for the year's final answer, each person can only
submit one guess.
How do I get on the No Help Leaderboard?
To get on the No Help Leaderboard, you must solve the original
version of the puzzle with no help (solo) before the hinted
version is posted. If you enter an incorrect answer, you can
still solve the final answer and enter it later, but you no
longer qualify for the No Help Leaderboard (I occasionally waive
this restriction on the hardest puzzles). As long as you solve
it before the solution is posted, regardless of whether you
qualify for the No Help Leaderboard, you will appear on the
alphabetical All Solvers list.
What does it mean to solve the puzzle solo?
A solo solve is a solve without any help from any other person,
no matter how small. If two people are solving any part of the
puzzle together, it is not a solo solve.
When does the second version, with instructions about the twist, come out?
A puzzle that has the cocktail recipe replaced by instructions
will come out exactly a week after the original version of the
puzzle is released. This will help you with the twist and may
give a hint on how to find the final answer. At that time, your
chance to get on the No Help Leaderboard will have passed, but
you can still get on the All Solvers list.
When are the solutions posted?
Everyone will have ample time to get on the All Solvers
list. Solutions will be posted on the last Saturday of the month
before the next puzzle. In any case, members will be notified
before the solution gets posted.
What is a streak?
Your streak is how many puzzles in a row you have solved on the
No Help leaderboard. Streaks span across years. Solving a
puzzle after the version with instructions comes out, getting
help on a puzzle, and entering a wrong answer for a puzzle will
all break your streak, since those things will keep you off the
No Help leaderboard.
How do I find the year's final answer?
There is a final answer for the year hidden in all of the
puzzles. It probably won't be solvable until several puzzles
have been posted, and it can use any information at all. I have
decided to allow multiple guesses, but each wrong guess will
subtract one point from your eventual point total, as explained
in the entry about points below. Good luck!
How are points calculated?
You will have a point count for the year based on your solving
of each puzzle and the year's final answer. Each no help solve
of a puzzle counts two points, while any other solve counts one
point. Solving the year's final answer gets you additional
points, in the following way. For solving the final answer
without help, you get two points plus two bonus points for every
puzzle that has not yet been posted. For example, if you find
the final answer in 2025 by yourself before the sixth puzzle has
been posted, you get 6 points, two for solving the year's final
answer solo, and two each for the sixth and seventh puzzles,
which have yet to be posted. Each wrong guess will subtract one
point from your eventual point total for the yearly meta,
without going below 1; for example, if you make two wrong
guesses and then eventually solve the year's final answer with
one puzzle left to be posted, you will get 4-2 = 2 points. If
you solve the final answer with help at any time before the
final puzzle solution is posted, you will receive only 1 point.
Please note that points for solving the yearly meta will not
show up until after the next puzzle is posted.
What if I have other questions or comments?
Feel free to email me at